Directions to Our Office in Gainesville, Florida
Our office is conveniently located just north of Fresh Market at NW 43rd Street and NW 16th Blvd, in the "Foxbridge" area:
2630 NW 41st Street, Suite D-3
Gainesville, FL 32606
Directions From Campus
Go north on NW 13th St , take a left at NW 16th Blvd (usually called 16th Ave, at Starbucks), go past NW 34th Avenue. Take a right at NW 41st Street and follow the curve to the right (don't take the left fork!). In 1/2 block, office is on the left in Foxbridge II, Suite D-3.
Go west on University/Newberry Road, take a right at NW 43rd Street. Go north past NW 16th Blvd (past Fresh Market) and take a right at NW 25th Place. Take a left at NW 41st Street (where road curves to right). Office is on the left in Foxbridge II, Suite D-3.
Directions From I-75
Heading north, exit at W Newberry Road. Take a right (east) past the mall. Take a left at NW 43rd Street and go north past NW 16th Blvd (past Fresh Market) and take a right at NW 25th Place. Take a left at NW 41st Street (where road curves to right). Office is on the left in Foxbridge II, Suite D-3.
Heading south, exit at Hwy 222 (NW 39th Street) and take a left (east). Take a right at NW 43rd Street (south). Take a left NW 25th Place. Take a left at NW 41st Street (where road curves to right). Office is on the left in Foxbridge II, Suite D-3.
If You Need To Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns, call 352-371-8181.
Bus Routes
The office is on bus route 43, which starts at Shands, heads up NW 13th, and goes west on University Ave by UF campus, then goes up 43rd St (going by my office) before heading Santa Fe College.
Route 10 will let you off at Fresh Market, 5 minutes from my office. It starts downtown, heads up NW 13th, and goes west on 16th (going by my office) before heading over to Santa Fe College and back.
waiting room