Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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Dealing With the Body Police
The Body Police Quiz is a tongue-in-check look at body image in our culture, but also hints at how to deal with those Body Police in real life. Take some time to shake up any negative body thoughts you have. Perhaps new perceptions can help you feel better in your body.
Fatness and Health: What Does the Research Say?
We live in a world of unexamined fat prejudice and size prejudice, especially against women. This results in a bias that influences researchers, impacting how research is carried out and interpreted. We end up with questionable research that few people question.
"Obesity" Kills 400,000 -- Or Is It 25,814?
We have not been getting the whole truth about fatness. This may be because "obesity" research is significantly biased, a fact that has been well documented.