Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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Fatness and Health: What Does the Research Say?
We live in a world of unexamined fat prejudice and size prejudice, especially against women. This results in a bias that influences researchers, impacting how research is carried out and interpreted. We end up with questionable research that few people question.
Kids, Eating and Weight: What Does the Research Say?
There are two forms of eating that can feel out-of-control: deprivation-driven eating and emotional eating. Most people think that out-of-control eating is mostly emotional. Actually, it is far more likely that ‘over’eating is deprivation-driven.
Weight Loss, Health, and Success: What Does the Research Say?
Everyone knows you can pick a number on the scale, change your food and exercise and get to that weight and stay there, right? Yet no scientific research exists which shows this this is possible. A quick look at the research and what you can do.
Thinness and Health: What Does the Research Say?
Thinner people should not assume they are immune to health issues. When it really comes down to it, living a healthy life means that you truly take care of yourself. And staying thin may may not be helping. In fact, it could be the exact opposite. So, what are the negative health impacts of thinness? Is getting thin or being thin is truly health enhancing like you keep reading?
Nutrition Counseling For Diabetes, Heart, Renal, and Immune Diseases
We specialize in helping people who struggle to make changes in their food and eating. If the problem keeps recurring and the fixes you try don’t ‘stick’, we can help you to more easily make those changes permanent.
However, if you simply need nutritional assistance for a medical problem like diabetes, IBS, celiac, kidney or cholesterol problems, heart disease, here is a list of dietitian/nutritionists who can help you.
The Weight Watchers (WW) App and Your Child's Weight
Should you help your child with their weight by signing up for the new WW app? Read what professionals are saying about the app, specifically warnings about danger of using it. Included are references if your goal is to help your child grow up to eating problems and develop a healthy body image,
Weight Goals and Body Hatred : The Truth
Many think they have to hate their body to do something about it. However, body hatred actually makes fear, anxiety, and chronic body dissatisfaction worse, it makes body image worse. You end up feeling terrible about yourself, and that makes it hard to take good care of yourself. Dump the body hatred if you want to get healthy!
Are You Avoiding Medical Care for Fear of Being Weighed?
Medical professionals often fat shame and blame medical conditions on weight. Find out how to deal with it, and how to find a doctor that will treat you with respect so that you can get good medical care. (And fat shaming hurts thin people too). Includes list of recommended doctors in the Gainesville FL area.
A Twist on the Ol' Lose Weight / Get in Shape New Year’s Resolution
Heading into the New Year, weight loss and get fit advertisements are everywhere. But what if this year, instead of making resolutions to lose weight, you decided to set your intentions to take care of yourself differently? To give yourself more of what you really need?
How to Make It Easier to Quit Eating When Full
It can difficult to quit eating when full at first; however, the accompanying negative self-talk only makes it much more difficult.
The Diet Cycle: Weight Loss vs Regain Phase
Most people blame themselves when lost weight is regained, a practice weight loss programs encourage. When you realize it is not your fault, you may be better able to move on to more successful ways of managing food and weight.
Weight Loss to Feel Better?
Who doesn't want to feel better? Isn't that why we monitor our food and manipulate our weight? How many times have I heard a client say they they don't like themselves and will be happy when they reach that certain weight.