Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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So Sugar Is Bad(?): What Happens When You Avoid It
You've read that sugar is bad so you decide to avoid it. And, to avoid sugar, you have to be on the watch for it. You have to notice it, pay attention to it, so that you can avoid it. And then what happens?
C-Piffs Can Help You To NOT Overeat
Hunger and cravings are normal when your nutrition is off — they make physiological sense. Work with them instead of fighting them. Eat your C-Piffs!
Diabetes and the Nondiet / Intuitive Eating Approach
How does your body feel with fluctuations in blood sugar? The nondiet/intuitive eating approach can help because it offers guidelines as to how to read the body. Get off the diet-blood sugar rollercoaster and discover how “STOP DIETING” is part of diabetes management.