Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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Nutrition Counseling For Diabetes, Heart, Renal, and Immune Diseases
We specialize in helping people who struggle to make changes in their food and eating. If the problem keeps recurring and the fixes you try don’t ‘stick’, we can help you to more easily make those changes permanent.
However, if you simply need nutritional assistance for a medical problem like diabetes, IBS, celiac, kidney or cholesterol problems, heart disease, here is a list of dietitian/nutritionists who can help you.
Weight Goals and Body Hatred : The Truth
Many think they have to hate their body to do something about it. However, body hatred actually makes fear, anxiety, and chronic body dissatisfaction worse, it makes body image worse. You end up feeling terrible about yourself, and that makes it hard to take good care of yourself. Dump the body hatred if you want to get healthy!
The Rebel Self Rebels: Finding a Sane Approach to Eating
You have a deeper knowing self that rebels against food rules! This Rebel Self hates those imposed rules, hates the constraint, and hates the disrespect of these simplistic solutions. This Rebel Self is tired of the disrespect implied in, "Just follow this rule, it’s easy to get healthy or lose 10 pounds." So what are you supposed to do?
So Sugar Is Bad(?): What Happens When You Avoid It
You've read that sugar is bad so you decide to avoid it. And, to avoid sugar, you have to be on the watch for it. You have to notice it, pay attention to it, so that you can avoid it. And then what happens?
Manipulated by Restaurant Menus?
Be very careful the next time you look over a restaurant menu. Your food choices may not be your own. The menu layout can determine how satisfied we are at the end of the meal! Are we really that malleable? Apparently. And the big chains take advantage of it.
Gluten May NOT Be Causing the Problems
More and more people are going gluten-free, which has seemed to get rid of symptoms like bloating, gas and diarrhea. But what if the culprit is not actually gluten? New research suggests that the offending substance may actually be fructan.
C-Piffs Can Help You To NOT Overeat
Hunger and cravings are normal when your nutrition is off — they make physiological sense. Work with them instead of fighting them. Eat your C-Piffs!
Diabetes and the Nondiet / Intuitive Eating Approach
How does your body feel with fluctuations in blood sugar? The nondiet/intuitive eating approach can help because it offers guidelines as to how to read the body. Get off the diet-blood sugar rollercoaster and discover how “STOP DIETING” is part of diabetes management.