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Solutions to Client Conundrums

  • Hilton Garden Inn 4075 Southwest 33 Place Gainesville, FL, 32608 United States (map)

Effective counseling involves a willingness to be creative, flexible, and think beyond current frame-works.  Join us for this exploration of innovative solutions to old problems.

Insights for Change: From Eating Struggles to Intuitive Eating

Our culture’s focus on eating and weight often distracts clients from therapeutic goals, especially as they turn to food rules and body shaping as lifelines to feeling better. In this workshop, we will examine how our culture’s approach to eating and weight can derail clients, and explore an entirely new, inner-directed approach to eating. You will discover how to use the subtleties of this eating style to enhance the therapeutic process while supporting clients to heal eating struggles.

Everything a Therapist Needs To Know About Relationship Breakdown and Divorce

Since most people only divorce once, they enter into this confusing transition with no experience and on an emotional roller coaster. This may be the time wo/men need a therapist most. But, many therapists don't have the knowledge necessary to help their clients navigate this treacherous terrain. This workshop will provide you with a working knowledge of divorce realities, a better understanding of what your clients can expect—legally, socially and financially--and a method for helping clients create effective divorce strategies. 

Download a brochure to learn more, and also to learn about the May 22 workshop. There is a discount if you register for both workshops at the same time, as you will note in this brochure.

Cost is $59. You can register here.

March 20

Expanding Your Clinical Horizons

May 11

What's Wrong With Our Current Approach to Food, Eating and Weight? (A Workshop for Therapists)