Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
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Weight Loss, Health, and Success: What Does the Research Say?
Everyone knows you can pick a number on the scale, change your food and exercise and get to that weight and stay there, right? Yet no scientific research exists which shows this this is possible. A quick look at the research and what you can do.
Consequences of Fat Shaming by Health Care Providers
Sadly, some of the worst fat shaming comes from those who we pay to help us -- medical professionals. These well-meaning (or not) professionals have been reported to make negative comments about a patient’s weight, pressure patients to lose weight, and even dismiss worrying symptoms as mere byproducts of body size. While this is not only bad medicine, it is highly irresponsible.
Intuitive Eating, Nutrition, and Health: What Does the Research Say?
Research about intuitive eating was sparse in the 90s, but the more people experience success, the more the scientists are taking notice, and in the recent years, we are seeing significant research confirming intuitive eating works. Following are some of the key earlier studies, plus other article relevant to intuitive eating.
Thinness and Health: What Does the Research Say?
Thinner people should not assume they are immune to health issues. When it really comes down to it, living a healthy life means that you truly take care of yourself. And staying thin may may not be helping. In fact, it could be the exact opposite. So, what are the negative health impacts of thinness? Is getting thin or being thin is truly health enhancing like you keep reading?
Why Height / Weight Tables are Bogus
We treat height/weight tables as if they are truth. We believe they are based on sound science. But, in fact, most height/weight tables are based on questionable research which began in the early 1900's.
Diabetes and the Nondiet / Intuitive Eating Approach
How does your body feel with fluctuations in blood sugar? The nondiet/intuitive eating approach can help because it offers guidelines as to how to read the body. Get off the diet-blood sugar rollercoaster and discover how “STOP DIETING” is part of diabetes management.