Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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Wanting to Be Thin vs Being Thin
When we spend our lives in the present moment, with what we already have (the other side of wanting), we lose control. The things we love get lost or shattered or stolen. People leave us. People die. As soon as we realize the preciousness of what we already have, we realize someday we may lose it.
Dealing With the Body Police
The Body Police Quiz is a tongue-in-check look at body image in our culture, but also hints at how to deal with those Body Police in real life. Take some time to shake up any negative body thoughts you have. Perhaps new perceptions can help you feel better in your body.
When You Can't NOT Exercise
Do you feel driven to be physically active? You may feel in total control of what you are doing and others probably envy your "dedication," but deep down you don't really have a choice, you must exercise. It is as if you are addicted to exercise. And you are probably fine with this, even if it interferes with your life.
The Very Small Step That Matters Big Time
Do you try to change your eating, and then feel like a failure when you don’t succeed beyond the initial enthusiasm? If you make plans about your food and eating that are actually out of reach, those plans will eventually become a source of frustration.
How to Make It Easier to Quit Eating When Full
It can difficult to quit eating when full at first; however, the accompanying negative self-talk only makes it much more difficult.
What Has Your Body Done For You Lately?
But there is another aspect of the body that most of us do not pay attention to—when you focus on what your body LOOKS like, you’re not paying attention to what your body DOES.
Recovery is Not a Destination
Recovery from eating and weight issues is not a destination. It is not a place where you arrive one day and finally “get it.” If you see your healing as a destination, not only will you be disappointed, but you will also miss your recovery.
Overcome Body Checking for a Better Body Image
Do you constantly “check” your body to see if you look okay? For any sign of weight change? To see if your hair and clothes are perfect? Constantly checking yourself can contribute to negative body image and eating disorders. Find tips to overcome body checking, develop a more positive body image and feel better.