Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence

Exercise Karin Kratina Exercise Karin Kratina

How to Overcome Exercise Resistance and Become Joyfully Active

Professionals tend to view “exercise resistance” as a behavioral problem or worse, a character flaw. They focus on education, motivation and other behavioral strategies to get us moving. However, if you are exercise resistant, if you have a conscious or unconscious block against becoming physically active, these strategies will not work for you. To become joyfully active, a shift away from “exercise think” is needed.

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Exercise, Eating Disorders Karin Kratina Exercise, Eating Disorders Karin Kratina

Compulsive Exercise: Are You Overdoing It?

Men and women are presenting to counseling in increasing numbers--not because they want to slow down their exercise, but because something is interfering with it. If these exercisers were willing to take a look at what they are doing, they would find that their activity is not about performance or reshaping their bodies, but about dealing with life. They would find exercise is essential to them to provide a feeling of mental well-being, to release their tension and anger, and even relieve anxiety and depression.  They also would find they have few other strategies to cope with these feelings.

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Eating Disorders Karin Kratina Eating Disorders Karin Kratina

The Different Eating Disorders and Treatment

Eating disorders are ways of coping that involve an extreme focus on food, eating and weight, and are experienced by both men and women. They include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. These eating disorders are not choices one makes. They literally hijack a person until they have no control over their behaviors, and can have serious emotional and physical problems with life-threatening consequences.

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Diet and Wellness Culture Karin Kratina Diet and Wellness Culture Karin Kratina

What is Disordered Eating?

Disordered eating occurs when a person's attitudes about food, eating, exercise, weight and body size or shape causes them to have rigid eating and/or exercise habits that interfere with their health, happiness or safety. Those with disordered eating are at risk for an eating disorder. We can help you sort out if you are struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder, if your healthy eating is causing you to suffer or if your exercise is doing more harm than good. And we can help you get back on track.

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