Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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Dealing With the Body Police
The Body Police Quiz is a tongue-in-check look at body image in our culture, but also hints at how to deal with those Body Police in real life. Take some time to shake up any negative body thoughts you have. Perhaps new perceptions can help you feel better in your body.
Reflection Addiction: Overcoming the Plague of Body Checking
Body checking is a plague on the modern individual. Reflective surfaces have become the enemy. From the glass panes on passing cars to our cell phones (the REAL metaphorical ball-and-chain!) to the poorly lit changing rooms in our favorite shops, we are forced to view ourselves to the point of being even beyond what might be comfortable. However, when it becomes too much, uncomfortable - vulnerable, even - we start to no longer see ourselves staring back at us.
Aquaman and Abs: Hollywood's Unrealistic Body Standards Now Focused on Male Actors
Male body shaping is becoming increasingly prevalent. And as we consume more polished media, the line between reality and Hollywood becomes more blurred. This article aims to unpack how even a hero like Aquaman can be body shamed and how male actors now have to shape their bodies to become Hollywood superheroes.
Weight Goals and Body Hatred : The Truth
Many think they have to hate their body to do something about it. However, body hatred actually makes fear, anxiety, and chronic body dissatisfaction worse, it makes body image worse. You end up feeling terrible about yourself, and that makes it hard to take good care of yourself. Dump the body hatred if you want to get healthy!
Are You Avoiding Medical Care for Fear of Being Weighed?
Medical professionals often fat shame and blame medical conditions on weight. Find out how to deal with it, and how to find a doctor that will treat you with respect so that you can get good medical care. (And fat shaming hurts thin people too). Includes list of recommended doctors in the Gainesville FL area.
A Twist on the Ol' Lose Weight / Get in Shape New Year’s Resolution
Heading into the New Year, weight loss and get fit advertisements are everywhere. But what if this year, instead of making resolutions to lose weight, you decided to set your intentions to take care of yourself differently? To give yourself more of what you really need?
Overcome Body Checking for a Better Body Image
Do you constantly “check” your body to see if you look okay? For any sign of weight change? To see if your hair and clothes are perfect? Constantly checking yourself can contribute to negative body image and eating disorders. Find tips to overcome body checking, develop a more positive body image and feel better.