Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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When Someone You Know Is Suffering from an Eating Disorder
The ongoing support of a spouse, parent, sibling, or friend is one of the most valuable tools a person with an eating disorder eating can have. This article focuses on helping someone with bulimia, but the article can apply to helping someone with anorexia, binge eating disorder and emotional eating as well.
Overview of Eating Disorders and Treatment
Eating disorders are ways of coping that involve an extreme focus on food, eating and weight, and are experienced by both men and women. They include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. These eating disorders are not choices one makes. They literally hijack a person until they have no control over their behaviors, and can have serious emotional and physical problems with life-threatening consequences.
Overview of Disordered Eating
Disordered eating occurs when a person's attitudes about food, eating, exercise, weight and body size or shape causes them to have rigid eating and/or exercise habits that interfere with their health, happiness or safety. Learn about the different forms of disordered eating.
Thinness and Health: What Does the Research Say?
Thinner people should not assume they are immune to health issues. When it really comes down to it, living a healthy life means that you truly take care of yourself. And staying thin may may not be helping. In fact, it could be the exact opposite. So, what are the negative health impacts of thinness? Is getting thin or being thin is truly health enhancing like you keep reading?
Nutrition Counseling For Diabetes, Heart, Renal, and Immune Diseases
We specialize in helping people who struggle to make changes in their food and eating. If the problem keeps recurring and the fixes you try don’t ‘stick’, we can help you to more easily make those changes permanent.
However, if you simply need nutritional assistance for a medical problem like diabetes, IBS, celiac, kidney or cholesterol problems, heart disease, here is a list of dietitian/nutritionists who can help you.
Self and Body Acceptance: Are More Positive Vibes in Your Future?
Are you afraid that if you accept yourself, that you would become complacent and never reach your goals? We can all benefit from self and body acceptance, no matter if we are fat-bodied or thin-bodied or in-between-bodied. But, if you don’t challenge fat-phobia, in yourself, and see it clearly in the world, it will be hard to be okay with yourself. These articles can help.
Aquaman and Abs: Hollywood's Unrealistic Body Standards Now Focused on Male Actors
Male body shaping is becoming increasingly prevalent. And as we consume more polished media, the line between reality and Hollywood becomes more blurred. This article aims to unpack how even a hero like Aquaman can be body shamed and how male actors now have to shape their bodies to become Hollywood superheroes.
Somatic Experiencing to Heal Emotional Eating
Somatic therapy can help calm and heal emotional eating, compulsive eating, and even when you feel like you just can’t quit eating. Karin is trained in a highly specialized form of somatic therapy called Somatic Experiencing, which focuses on becoming attuned to and understanding subtle body sensation in a way that the body can release stress and even past traumas.
The Weight Watchers (WW) App and Your Child's Weight
Should you help your child with their weight by signing up for the new WW app? Read what professionals are saying about the app, specifically warnings about danger of using it. Included are references if your goal is to help your child grow up to eating problems and develop a healthy body image,
Weight Goals and Body Hatred : The Truth
Many think they have to hate their body to do something about it. However, body hatred actually makes fear, anxiety, and chronic body dissatisfaction worse, it makes body image worse. You end up feeling terrible about yourself, and that makes it hard to take good care of yourself. Dump the body hatred if you want to get healthy!
Are You Avoiding Medical Care for Fear of Being Weighed?
Medical professionals often fat shame and blame medical conditions on weight. Find out how to deal with it, and how to find a doctor that will treat you with respect so that you can get good medical care. (And fat shaming hurts thin people too). Includes list of recommended doctors in the Gainesville FL area.