Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence

Eating Wisdom Blog

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Body Image Karin Kratina Body Image Karin Kratina

The Medicalization of "Obesity"

Cross-culturally, conditions and situations that are outside the norm are often viewed as social problems, and social control is often seen as the solution. These days, our culture views fat individuals as not normal, not okay. Medicalization was the inevitable result.

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Weight Karin Kratina Weight Karin Kratina

Why Height / Weight Tables are Bogus

We treat height/weight tables as if they are truth. We believe they are based on sound science. But, in fact, most height/weight tables are based on questionable research which began in the early 1900's.

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Body Image, Eating Disorders Karin Kratina Body Image, Eating Disorders Karin Kratina

Does Your Happiness Go Up and Down With the Scale? How to Start Feeling Better

You want to feel better, and every weight loss ad promises you will feel better, and be happy, when you lose weight. And you probably do feel happier when you start your new eating program. But when you’ve lost your resolve, the good feelings go away, so you figure if you just lost a bit more weight, you’d feel better. But then it goes away yet again! How can you sustain that “better” feeling?

The “change your body” approach to joy and happiness fosters the very disconnection that is causing the distress. The combination of connection and gratitude is the key to feeling happy and joyful. Here's why.

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Weight Karin Kratina Weight Karin Kratina

How Much Will Oprah Lose?

We all know the roller coaster Oprah has been on. I was there when she rolled that wheel barrow of 67 pounds of fat onto her stage.  I watched in stunned silence as Oprah carted that fat onto the stage, wondering how she was going to handle the inevitable regain. 

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