Workshops for the Public

 Workshops for The Public

Intuitive Eating, Eating Disorders, Body Image and More!

We realize that most nutrition/health information out there supports disordered eating, and disordered thinking around food, eating and weight. Please join us for these online workshops to help you shift your thinking so that you can find peace around food, as well as find YOUR eating wisdom.

Have a topic you would like to see us discuss? Send your ideas to us here.

Filtering by: “intuitive eating”

Intuitive Eating - Online Chat

Intuitive Eating - Online Chat

Have you heard of intuitive eating, but not sure what it is? Confused how to eat intuitively and not gain weight? Wonder how to eat healthy if all foods are “legal?” Struggle with food and not sure how intuitive eating could help?

Well, grab a cup of tea, gather your questions, and join intuitive eating experts (with 60+ years of combined experience) for an Intuitive Eating Chat.

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Intuitive Eating Chat

Intuitive Eating Chat

What is intuitive eating and how does it work? Join us for this introduction to intuitive eating and learn why it works, and how to implement it in your life. Find peace with food and eating by using the most powerful guide to eating and weight.

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Intuitive Eating Chat

Intuitive Eating Chat

What is intuitive eating and how does it work? Join us for this introduction to intuitive eating and learn why it works, and how to implement it in your life. Find peace with food and eating by using the most powerful guide to eating and weight.

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